I just got a message and it said: was browsin' around for ppl like moi, and i came across your profile. You give me the impression that you're a considerably fascinating person, however i'm rather new on this site, & don't know what's going on around here. Shouldn't they have some sort of chat thing here? Well, I hate writing messages to ppl, & sometimes not receiving anything back! Well, if you are interested in chattin' with me, you could catch me over at date-centrale.com , my name there is lil_fox.
So, ya, hope to see you. always looking to meet more people.
Devon White
underline At 12 hours ago, lilfoxwhitedevon0 wrote:
: i was browsin' around for ppl like moi, and i came across your profile. You give me the impression that you're a considerably fascinating person, however i'm rather new on this site, & don't know what's going on around here. Shouldn't they have some sort of chat thing here? Well, I hate writing messages to ppl, & sometimes not receiving anything back! Well, if you are interested in chattin' with me, you could catch me over at date-centrale.com , my name there is lil_fox.
: So, ya, hope to see you. always looking to meet more people.
: Devon White
what the fuck is THAT all about? I since some people with the same message!
i got the same message when i first came here.